GDF launches collaboration with Uppsala University, Sweden
Prof. Lars Bjˆrk and postgraduate students Anneleen Kool and Hugo de Boer visited Marrakech from 8 – 12 February 2006 to set up an exchange between GDF, Uppsala University and the Natural History Museum of Marrakech. Gary Martin will give a course from 18 – 21 April on biocultural diversity at the Department of Systematic Botany, which is part of the University’s Evolutionary Biology Centre. †A group of twenty students from Uppsala University will visit Marrakech from 18 May – 7 June. They will gather additional information about wild harvested plants from the High Atlas mountains that are offered for sale in Marrakech’s marketplaces, in support of GDF’s project on Wildlife Trade in the Souks of southern Morocco. In addition, they will explore the possibility of beginning a long-term research collaboration between Lund University, Uppsala University and the UniversitÈ Cadi Ayyad of Marrakech, with GDF as a supporting partner.